July, 2023


8h 10m

Really became the ladies man of Gerudo Village today, but my eyes were only set on finding the 'Scimitar of the Seven', oh yes... 28 ATK + 44 ATK Lynel Horn multiplied by 2 with 'Strong Fusion'...yeah. Learnt some interesting stuff regarding the Gerudo, like the 8th 'heroine' was in actuality a man, but due Gerudo law he was barred from entering their town, damaging the relationship between the Gerudo & Hylians.

The build up to the Spirit Temple was more exciting then the "dungeon" proper, though I'd be hard pressed to consider it one. The puzzles revolved around working with the shape of the box containing the construct part and getting it out and over to the robot. None of which were hard or featured anything I haven't already seen, although I did experience a mind blank as soon as I entered the lava room.

The mech is cool in concept, however a let down in execution. Movement is REALLY slow unless you attach a fan which runs out way faster then it would usually so unless you're constantly dropping fans, it's not very resource efficient. I do like that weapons can be to the arms, and I can't deny gunning a hinox with dual cannon was fun. On that note though, cannons are probably too good at stunning, my strategy against the Seized Construct was to stun him a cannon and then give a few left hooks, which worked throughout the entire fight.

Just need to wrap up things like the shrines and lightroots now, and then I'll be ready to complete the game.